• Running ElasticMQ in ECS

    This post is an overview on running ElasticMQ in Amazon ECS. This can help simulate SQS for development purposes, and running it in ECS would help with resourcing, as well as having an ALB to act as an endpoint-url. I’ve used EC2 and not Fargate, but this can just as easily be launched as a Fargate task. While there is also localstack, for this particular case, I just wanted to run SQS Mock and not all other services localstack comes bundled with.

    Familiarity with ECS, specially around creating Task Definitions, Services, and associating them with Application Load Balancers will definitely help.

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  • Disaster Recovery and Reliability

    Presentation on Disaster Recovery and Reliability.

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  • OAuth2 Primer

    First post of the year 2018, here is the presentation for a tech talk on OAuth2 at Marqeta HQ.

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  • Multiple Functions in Serverless Framework with Java

    Serverless Framework is an excellent choice for writing and deploying Lambda Functions in AWS. Having written a blog series on using it with Java8+Maven, I’ve been asked if there is a way to not have too many handlers (One per API), and somehow provide multiple handler functions in the same java class. In this post I provide the structure that’d allow for multiple handlers using a single Java class.

    This is particularly useful when the code is tightly coupled around a resource (CRUD) and writing a handler class for each of C, R, U, D seems un-necessary, like it should.

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  • HTTP/S Proxy Server for AWS Lambda Invocations

    Lambda Functions are a FaaS implementation on Amazon Web Services. Setting them as HTTP/S endpoints over API Gateway can be complicated, and more often than not is an overkill for simple, internal APIs. Besides, API Gateway endpoints for Lambda are public, no matter how we slice and dice it. The recently announced VPC Link for API Gateway only allows the endpoints to route to a NLB target, not a Lambda.

    This is a lightweight HTTP/S proxy written in Java, which wraps a lambda invocation, mimicking the API Gateway-Lambda Proxy Integration.

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